With a passion for coaching and development, as Head of SCITT, Alison enables the progression of new and experienced teachers. Alison taught at Deyes High School, where she was a member of the Biology Department for 17 years. Her wealth of experience covers all key stages and sees her role as a privilege to help teachers get the most from their careers.
Contact Alison: a.brady@ampscitt.co.uk
Jackie is an award winning teacher and an inspirational facilitator, ensuring trainees are fully engaged in their Research Informed training programme. Jackie teaches PE and Dance at Deyes High School.
Contact Jackie: j.iddon@deyeshigh.co.uk
Karen utilises her extensive knowledge of Primary Education to empower our Primary Trainees on all aspects of pedagogy. She teaches pupils in KS1 and KS2 at Green Park Primary School.
Contact Karen: kshotton@ampscitt.co.uk
Adele has a keen interest in the development of education and is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the SCITT. She teaches at Deyes High School in the Chemistry Department.
Contact Adele: a.fozard@deyeshigh.co.uk
As a highly experienced School Leader and former Head of SCITT, Pauline is well placed to ensure the Quality Assurance process maintains our high standards.
Contact Pauline: p.treanor@deyeshigh.co.uk
Angela is a friendly point of contact for our SCITT and combines her administrative role and previous classroom experience to efficiently responds to all enquiries. She is a NASBTT Administrator Support Partner and ensures the smooth running of our day to day processes.
Contact Angela: teachertraining@ampscitt.co.uk
An experienced Secondary School Leader and teacher of Computer Science, Gill has a passion for staff development and raising standards within education.
Contact Gill: g.parkinson@ampscitt.co.uk
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